Henrietta and the Perfect Night
Henrietta and the Perfect Night
Author: Murray, Martine
Children's, Teenage & educational
Published on 13 July 2017 by Murdoch Books as part of 'The Henrietta Series' series.
Hardback | 96 pages
135 x 205 x 15 | 256g
Hello everybody, it's me. Henrietta the Great Go-Getter, and I'm having a big think. Right now I'm thinking I'd like a baby sister, so I can dress her up in different sorts of hats. But Mum says we'll have to wait and see. I'm terrible at waiting.Meanwhile, I'm an explorer of life, and that includes trees, bugs, animals and all mysteries. I'm going to school for the very first time, which means I might have to go as a spy so that I can have a secret peep inside...When Henrietta sees Olive Higgie crying in the classroom, she goes on a rescue mission and finds that you only need one friend in a room full of strangers to feel perfectly happy.Henrietta's stories are full of funny thoughts and discoveries, and maybe the best are the ones that take a long time to come.
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