Standard Deviations : the truth about flawed statistics, AI and Big Data
Standard Deviations : the truth about flawed statistics, AI and Big Data
Author: Smith, Gary
Economic statistics
Published on 27 February 2025 by Duckworth Books (Duckworth) in the United Kingdom.
Paperback / softback | 416 pages
198 x 129
Did you know that chicken eggs can influence how computers generate random events? Or that humans can postpone death until after important ceremonial occasions? Or live three to five years longer if they have positive initials, like ACE?All these 'facts' have been presented with a straight face by researchers and backed up with convincing statistics. In Standard Deviations, economics professor Gary Smith walks us through the various tricks and traps we so often fall into. Today, data is so plentiful and our reliance on computer analysis and AI so entrenched that researchers spend precious little time distinguishing between good, meaningful deductions and rubbish. Not only do others use data to fool us, we fool ourselves.
Drawing on breakthrough research in behavioural economics by luminaries like Daniel Kahneman and Dan Ariely, and taking to task some of the conclusions of Freakonomics, Standard Deviations demystifies the science behind the statistics.
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