Wellfest: NHS Wellbeing Festival

Wellfest: NHS Wellbeing Festival

Last week we were invited to the three day NHS Wellbeing Festival. This festival was put on to promote wellbeing to NHS staff in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, and to thank them for all their hard work!

We were invited to run a stall at the festival, for which we carefully chose a selection of fiction and non-fiction books to bring along.

As well as showcasing some great reads, we were able to tell people about our new free Books for Wellbeing membership programme. Members of the Books for Wellbeing scheme will receive a membership card and 10% off selected books. All of the books that are a part of the scheme have been picked by staff, volunteers, and other Books for Wellbeing members as having a personal significance that has helped them with their own wellbeing. Each book comes with a short personal story about the impact it’s had on the reader. The books are available on our website or in their own section in store. We made a lot of connections with NHS staff whose roles are to promote wellbeing in the NHS and are keen to share Books for Wellbeing with others.

It was great to see so much interest in the Books for Wellbeing programme, as well as October Books as a whole and everything else we do!

And thank you as always to our volunteers for your support over the three days!

A picture of the NHS wellbeing festival grounds. There is a large inflatable rainbow in the background. In the foreground, someone is holding a flyer that reads ‘wellfest: the inclusion and wellbeing event’

A picture of two people sat at our stall. There are several books on display.

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