COP-26 Meeting At October Books

COP-26 Meeting At October Books

On the back of a really fruitful and lively discussion last night (5th October) which centred around Climate Action in Southampton on the run up to COP26 (an international conference on Climate Change due to be hosted by the UK on 6th of November), we thought we would share some of the details for events which are already organised, as well as sharing some of the ideas discussed last night.

If you would like to join the Action and get involved in any way, please email, and we’ll add you to the group!

What’s Happening?

  • Climate Cafe at October Books on 16th October - open forum for discussion

  • Greenpeace will be focusing on Tesco and Deforestation in the second half of October. Plenty to get involved with.
    National Airport Protest is happening November 6th at 11PM either in Soton or Easleigh

  • National COP-26 Demos happening from 12-4 Nationwide (Soton Demo at Guildhall sq.)

  • Each UK demonstration will be timed to assemble at 12pm, start at 1pm and rally for speeches at 3pm. Further details on meeting points will be shared soon.  Marches are currently planned for Glasgow, Cardiff, Swansea, London, Leeds, Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, Oxford, Bristol, Plymouth and Sheffield.

  • The COP26 Coalition is calling for a Global Day of Action (GDA) on Saturday 6th November, during the middle weekend of the talks. It is crucial that we get people and voices out on the streets to show unity and send a message to those in power that we need climate action NOW!

  • There will be a flagship national demonstration in Glasgow and large-scale regional demonstrations in other major cities, and local and international demonstrations in towns across the UK and the world.

  • There will be space to merge the Airport Demos with other groups/causes. 


  • Turn COP26 into a celebration of grassroots & community activism

  • Promote inclusivity at these events 

  • Ensure synchronisation of events on the 6th


  • Use of raw statistics to educate and inform

  • Greening the City in conjunction with Green Network - major idea which proposes to run a ‘festival’ throughout the city. This is an opportunity for many of the green projects across the city to open their doors and allow the general public to see what they do in a tangible way. This could extend as far as interested people who are unaffiliated with any specific groups allowing people into their homes to show how personal choices and practical solutions are imperative on the level of the individual to effect change. This does not necessarily have to be on the day of COP26, but rather could be a part of a programme of ‘legacy’ events.

  • Placards with ‘favourite facts’ will increase visibility of specific issues at large scale events such as Guildhall Sq demo

  • Public Visuals seemed to be a popular idea; banner drops, visual aids etc.

  • Celebrate Green Projects which are already happening across the city. This ties in with Greening the City idea.

  • Make COP26 a demand for structural change as well as an illustration of grassroots activism as the two are inexorably linked

  • Make these changes understandable and positive to people who aren’t necessarily on our side about things

  • Tailor our message for specific events

  • Use of greenspaces around the site of the COP26 Demo in Guildhall Sq. such as the park just behind. Suggestion of having music and stalls/refreshments, turning the entire day into a family friendly celebration of our greenspaces as much as a protest against their broad destruction

  • Phonecalls, letters, email, and social media posts directed towards those in power is important. However, it’s also imperative that these conversations are going on amongst our friends, family, acquaintances, customers, etc.

  • Protests outside supermarkets, especially in relation to the meat industry and deforestation.

  • Further Climate Change Cafes which will continue the conversations in an open forum around the city, incorporating pop-up gardens etc. 

  • Make these events happen across the city, liaise with public transport companies and highlight the cycle routes which link the city and the New Forest together.

Thanks so much for your participation and support!

In store now! The Inseparables, by Simone De Beauvoir 

In store now! The Inseparables, by Simone De Beauvoir 

Climate Cafe

Climate Cafe