The Story of October Books... 243 Portswood Road.

The Story of October Books... 243 Portswood Road.

A Chapter in the October Books Story

October Books moved to Portswood in 2003, early April. Most of the shops around us on Onslow Road had closed or been demolished, and especially all of the alternative shops, the wholefood shop (Danaan), The Veg Co-op and the cooperative cafe (The Flying Teapot). So even though the rent was minimal, we'd have had to close ourselves, as the area was no longer a good shopping destination, and sales were poor. The Collective was talking about moving for years and had various collective ‘days out’ meetings to discuss moving. For a long time London Road was our favoured destination.

Finally a location on Portswood high-street was decided upon. Moving to a high street shop with higher rents meant we had to change the nature of the shop a little. We set out to try and maintain the radical side of the shop whilst also attempting to appeal to passing trade. So stocking more general (non radical) books with a few red lines (militaria, royal puffs etc). We also diversified starting to stock fairtrade, organic and green cleaning products. 

During this time we had many different workers, collective members and volunteers who became part of October Books Story. Each of them shaped the shop in their own way. Special mention though should go to the two original collective members who were signatories when October Books first became a co-op and remained a part of the shop from this start and all the way through the years at 243 Portswood Road. Ian Lamming and Annabel Hodgson. Annabel was never a paid employee of the shop but remained a vital part of the behind the scenes decisions, alongside her day job as the CEO of local youth charity No Limits (Annabel was the CEO there for 24 years) she stepped down from the Collective Committee in 2020. Ian was the first paid member of staff at the shop and remained a paid employer and the principal book buyer until he retired in 2016, for many he was the face of October Books and we wouldn’t be where we are today without his years of hard work and dedication.

[Image Description: Writing- ‘243 Portswood Road, October Books’.
Includes three photos
1)Photo of fairtrade produce under blue & yellow signs inside the shop, 2007
2) Photo of Ian Lamming holding a pile of books 2014
3) Photomarking new shop first day, L-R, Gary Driver, Liz Carter, Ian Lamming, Jenny, Laura, Kate. 2003]

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