Try a New Genre... Don't Be Scared!

Try a New Genre... Don't Be Scared!

My advice on a genre shift is don't force it too hard, maybe pick up a book you know wouldn't traditionally be your thing and keep it on standby. Read a chapter in the car, read some when you get home but don't make it any bigger than it needs to be, reading after all is about enjoying yourself! I recently tried to shift myself out of a patch of reading only non-fiction (although Jack and I argue that there is no such thing) so I tried to read more fiction...

This lead me to reading some Jon Fosse, the critically acclaimed Nobel Prize winner no less. I read Trilogy and Morning and Evening. These books delighted my senses and to be lost in their story was wonderful. It eclipsed my dreams. Usually I am not a fan at all of this style of storytelling but because I listened to the audio-book version of both of these it meant I could enjoy the stories in a low pressure way and it was fantastic! I would highly recommend an audio-book to get you going in a new genre. 

Onto the next and arguably most frightening genre Poetry:

My recommendation would be Padriag O Tuama 44 Poems on Being with Each Other  A poetry unbound anthology. Poetry unbound is a podcast where Padriag O Tuama shares poems he loves and interviews other poets too! it's a great place to start if you need poetry in your life. His podcast is easy to listen to as well as being accessible and beautiful.

You can find plenty more options on our website, but I hope these recommendations help get you started on something new this month! 



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