Member Profile - Liz Batten

Member Profile - Liz Batten

We are really excited to welcome Liz Batten to our blog writing team. Liz has been a member of October Books since our most recent share issue in 2022 and says she loves to support us because:
‘You provide food for thought and a sense of community through the books on sale and the community events you host – you’re such a support to us all and a wonderful demonstration of an ethical and sustainable business.’

Liz has been a key player in community action in our city for a number of years. She has been involved with Transition Southampton from their inception in 2008 and was the initiator of the amazingly successful Repair Cafes that now operate all around our city. She worked with our very own Clare Diaper on a series of events where community came together to Imagine Southampton and also instigated the development of Clean Air Southampton. She is now involved with the Southampton Climate Action network and has helped to collate a commentary about the proposed development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) and hydrogen production for the region. The commentary provides evidence that these methods are not viable for our region. Liz has also championed the Doughnut Economics framework in the city and produced a film which shows how this approach can create a thriving city for all.

When recently asked how she would like to contribute as a member of October Books, Liz was really excited by the idea of writing a regular blog about issues affecting our city, a blog that we can share with our community. So look out for Liz’s blogs appearing over the next few weeks. We hope you like them.

Connection with our members and customers is so important to October Books and we feel this is key in making us resilient in these current times and allowing us to thrive into the future. Look out for details of our next social event in August when you can come and find out more.

Poetry Open Mic Night Friday the 19th of July

Poetry Open Mic Night Friday the 19th of July

Sabbatical reflections

Sabbatical reflections