Our Community share offer is LIVE!!!

Our Community share offer is LIVE!!!

October Books has always been an independent bookshop with our community at our heart. Now is your chance to get involved and own part of our bookshop!

As well as being a much loved independent Bookshop, October Books is now a community Benefit Society. This means our profits are used to serve the Southampton area - And that you can be a part of it!

Whether you are a long standing customer, a passing browser or just love the idea of being involved in a community business we are inviting people to invest in equity shares and become a member-owner of our society.

The Goals

Our maximum public share offer target is £175,000 plus conversion of £171,346 of existing loanstock to shares - a total of £346,346 - We are half way there already!!


The share offer will be open from the the end of 1st October up until the 31st October 2022.

How to get involved

All new investors or if you are an existing investor and wish to add to your existing investment please apply by following the steps through Crowdfunder at 


The why’s

We want this investment to improve our services we can offer to our community and allow us to increase the number of projects and benefits we can provide to our community. The aim is to secure the long term financial future of October Books while providing a future platform for both ourselves and all members of our community to positively impact social change in our local community and allow us all to work towards a better more inclusive future

We very much look forward to all you becoming part of the October Books family and helping us inspire social change long into the future!

For further information on Community share and our share offer please either visit our Dedicated Share offer page on our website where you can find all the documents and information needed  here


or check our our community blog series starting with the first in the series here


In store now! Call Us What We Carry by Amanda Gorman

In store now! Call Us What We Carry by Amanda Gorman

Transition talk: Ponds, Pools and Puddles!

Transition talk: Ponds, Pools and Puddles!