Southampton Social Aid Food Club

Southampton Social Aid Food Club

You may have already seen promotion in local media about the launch of Southampton Social Aid Food Club, which happened on Tuesday 12th January. A great new local initiative the Food Club offers 10 items of shopping a week for a weekly fee of £3.50 for members. Items vary week to week and include fresh fruit and vegetables, store cupboard essentials, toiletries and household items.

If you know of anyone who might like to use the Food Club Service, please do share this post.

October Books have offered to provide books to complement the Food Club Service. Starting by gifting food poverty campaigner Jack Monroe’s books, Good Food For Bad Days and Tin Can Cook as well as books on fiction, gardening and cooking from older stock. We’re keen to support the new venture and will be liaising with them to work out the best way to do so going forward. We’d love a volunteer to take on the job of liaising and working with them going forward so do contact us if you’d be interested in this role.

The project has been developed by Southampton Social Aid Group (SSAG), a co-operative created for the benefit of the people of Southampton. As with October Books, this means SSAG is a members owned structure and all the members have voting rights in how the service is run and can be involved in the running of the cooperative. SSAG is based on the principles of solidarity not charity, participation not just consultation.

If you want to join Southampton Social Aid Group as a Solidarity Member or make a one-off financial contribution use the Solidarity Membership link below, or follow the Food Club link to find out more about joining SSAG as a Food Club Member.

The Food Club will run every Tuesday between 11:30am and 1:30pm and will  be located at:

Board in the City,
38-40 Onslow Road,
SO14 0JG

Please like, share and join if able!:





OpenCollective (funding):

Our January opening hours are:

Mon / Wed / Fri / Sat

From 10am - 4pm

Please note. The shop floor will be open for the sale of essential food and household items. We will not be open for you to browse our bookshelves, but if you have ordered books or household items online or via the phone you will be able to collect them during these opening hours! Shop online today!

You will see we have a QR code at the door, if you have the NHS COVID-19 app downloaded to your smart phone please scan this as you enter the shop.s you enter the shop.

Nature Books & Nature Nurturing

Nature Books & Nature Nurturing

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