Plastic Free Christmas Decoration Making

Plastic Free Christmas Decoration Making

Saturday 23rd November
10am till 3pm
£3 tickets

Come & create a plastic free Christmas decorations with us.

Want to be more eco friendly with your Christmas decorations? Come and make some plastic free Christmas decorations with us. Most materials are provided, including eco-glue, but please bring your own sticks for the 2-D tree and your favourite old Christmas cards for the bauble if you would like a more personal touch. Teas and coffees provided. Please bring your own lunch (or use one of the the many cafe's in Portswood). This is a Transition Southampton event.


I You We Them, Journeys Beyond Evil: The Desk Killers in History and Today by Dan Gretton

I You We Them, Journeys Beyond Evil: The Desk Killers in History and Today by Dan Gretton

Pain by Zeruya Shalev

Pain by Zeruya Shalev