Pick up your white poppy today

Pick up your white poppy today

October Books are supporting the White Poppy campaign again this year. The White Poppy is worn by people across the UK and beyond in the run-up to Remembrance Day as a symbol of remembrance and peace. White Poppies are available to pick up in the shop for a small donation and any sales go towards promoting peaceful alternatives to war, campaigning against militarism and PPU’s peace education work. 

White poppies stand for three things.

Remembrance of all victims of war, including both civilians and members of the armed forces. We remember people of all nationalities. We remember those killed in wars happening now, as well as in the past. We also remember those who are often excluded from the mainstream, such as refugees and victims of colonial conflicts. 

Challenging war and militarism, as well as any attempt to glorify or celebrate war. White poppies encourage us to question the way war is normalised and justified. They remind us of the need to resist war and its causes today. 

A commitment to peace and to seeking nonviolent solutions to conflict. By drawing attention to the devastating human cost of war, white poppies highlight the urgency of our ongoing struggle for peace.

If you’d like to join the PPU, find out more about the work they do today to promote peace, or want to find out more about white poppies - visit their website.

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Check out our Booksnest review!

Meet the Team: Suzanne

Meet the Team: Suzanne