Coming Soon! Memory of Departure: By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021

Coming Soon! Memory of Departure: By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021

First published in 1987 here is the brand new edition of the first novel written by the 2021 Nobel prize in Literature winner Abdulrazak Gurnah

Memory of Departure: By Abdulrazak Gurnah

Paperback £9.99

Vehement, comic and shrewd, Abdulrazak Gurnah's first novel is an unwavering contemplation of East African coastal life. Poverty and depravity wreak havoc on Hassan Omar's family. Amid great hardship he decides to escape. The arrival of Independence brings new upheavals as well as the betrayal of the promise of freedom.

The new government, fearful of an exodus of its most able men, discourages young people from travelling abroad and refuses to release examination results. Deprived of a scholarship, Hassan travels to Nairobi to stay with a wealthy uncle, in the hope that he will release his mother's rightful share of the family inheritance. The collision of past secrets and future hopes, the compound of fear and frustration, beauty and brutality, create a fierce tale of undeniable power.

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