In store now! Here to Stay : Eastern Europeans in Britain by Yva Alexandrova

In store now! Here to Stay : Eastern Europeans in Britain by Yva Alexandrova

At a time when racism, xenophobia and nationalism dominate politics in the UK and around the world, Here to Stay avoids the usual racist vox-pops and sensationalist political debate

Here to Stay : Eastern Europeans in Britain by Yva Alexandrova

Paperback £10.99

Bulgarian writer and international migration expert Yva Alexandrova tells the story of Eastern Europeans in the UK, and argues that progressive politics needs to be grounded in migrants' actual experiences and not political expediency. She shows how attitudes to immigration have changed in the last twenty years in the wake of Brexit and a new wave of nativism that has swept across Britain, and makes a passionate and vivid argument for migrants as full participants in social and political life.

This book tells the stories of the people whose voices rarely feature in debates about immigration: the migrants themselves.

Order your copy today directly from October Books or buy online through our bookshop store and we’ll get commission on your purchase.


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We are able to be open 6 days a week again because of your consideration and care whilst in the shop. Though things are opening up, covid cases are still high and a lot of our staff have only received one jab. So we are asking customers to continue to leave that extra space, sanitise their hands and pull on their mask. We really appreciate it.  

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