October Books + The Hive = success!

October Books + The Hive = success!

When the covid-19 pandemic caused all shops to shut we were lucky here at October Books to be able to access the Assist Package delivered by The Hive. The Hive is a UK-wide cross-sectoral programme of support for co-ops and community businesses, delivered by Co‑operatives UK in partnership with The Co‑operative Bank. Our Clare spoke to Coops UK about the help this package gave us in accessing grants, changing our business model and weathering the lockdown.

“We’re so grateful for The Hive’s support. Being prepared and on the front foot has helped us the most. It’s made us proactive rather than reactive – and we’ve remained in control.” Clare Diaper

You can read the article in full here.

With many thanks to Coops UK, and to Nathan at The Hive. Both have given us so much support over the last few months, we’d be in a very different place without their help!

If you’re a Cooperative and want to apply for assistance from The Hive you can do so here.

Let's look out for each other...

Let's look out for each other...

Online Get Together #5 - Bring Your Own Book... and a bottle if you like!

Online Get Together #5 - Bring Your Own Book... and a bottle if you like!