Clare's reflections - Its all about Balance

Clare's reflections - Its all about Balance

This weekly blog provides a brief peek into what is happening behind the scenes at your favourite indie bookshop. Clare, who has been working at October Books since 2016, reflects on what has been happening in the shop and in the world around us… this week picking up threads and themes and that weave the two together.

As we approach the Autumn equinox the theme of my days has been all about balance. Balance between personal development and that of the team. The balance between time spent at October Books and time spent on other projects. The balance between time with friends and family and time ‘working’. The balance between advice and direction. The balance between structures and process and ‘going with the flow.’ The balance between the masculine and feminine energies of the world.

My third month back at the shop after sabbatical and there does feel a bit of an imbalance in many of the above. I have started reading, journalling and participating in the Think Like a Forest fundamentals training programme that October Books is supporting me to undertake (along with Southampton Climate Action Network and The Southampton Collective). The thoughts about balance are rooted in this work which aims to guide us towards being a regenerative organisation which is described as ‘A living, evolving and naturally functioning organization where abundance and resilience are recurring outcomes of its underlying health.” (-nRhythm).

The out of balance, slightly chaotic feel of my days at the moment feels like a mirror of all that is happening in the world. Both at October Books and in the outside world, the systems that we have relied upon and felt safe within are starting to falter and collapse. This feels both scary and exciting in equal measure. I feel we need to keep a clear vision in our minds of where we are going if the excitement is to outweigh the fear. I am so grateful to the team for bringing a new vision to life while I was on sabbatical. If we can aim for this, all will be well :-)

'October Books' is a thriving place where people of all ages and backgrounds gather, offering a diverse range of books chosen by our local community. A place where adults and children are stimulated to reimagine a more equitable flourishing community that cares for people and the natural world, through the books and products sold and the events that are put on.'



Secondhand September at October Books: Embrace Sustainability with Us

Secondhand September at October Books: Embrace Sustainability with Us