The Prince's Pen
The Prince's Pen
Author: Clare, Horatio
Fiction & related items
Published on 10 October 2011 by Poetry Wales Press (Seren) as part of 'the Mabinogion Series' series.
Paperback / softback | 200 pages
The Invaders drones hear everything and miss nothing. England is now a defeated archipelago but somewhere in the higher ground to the far west, insurrection is brewing. The self-styled kings of Wales, Ludo and Levello, take prisoners, but can they free the British Isles without the help of Islamic princess Uzma and the power of Pakistan, the only other country remaining in the free world? Award-winning author Horatio Clare refracts politics, faith and the contemporary world order through the prism of some of the earliest British myth, the Mabinogion, to ask who are the outsiders, the infidels and who the enemy within.
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