Wanderers in the New Forest - Clare Diaper reviews

Wanderers in the New Forest - Clare Diaper reviews

We start 2024 book blogs with a massive apology. So sorry not to have told you about the republication of this wonderful title, all about our local New Forest National Park and an absolute favourite of mine and one I have lent to many people.

The book was originally published in the 1970s and is all about the life of Juliette and her two children and dogs (I can’t remember how many) when they live in a simple one up one down cottage near Abbots Well (the cottage is still there, now an art studio). Stories of wild swimming in the seasonal ponds that appear at certain times of year, dogs getting stuck in bogs, travellers and gypsies visiting as they pass by the gate to Juliette’s home… a wonderful peek into a gloriously free lifestyle.

The book feels like a UK version of Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, a mixture of indigenous wisdom and folklore grounded in place. Juliette was also know as Juliette of the Herbs as she used plants for medicinal purposes, mostly in the treatment of animals. A fascinating woman and you can find out more about this part of her work in this video here

We have multiple copies in the shop or you can order here for home delivery. Apologies again we didn’t let you know about this gem of a book sooner. An inspiration as to how we can all live and tread more lightly on this earth.

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