Travel adventures with Bikes, Trains, Feet and Boats

Travel adventures with Bikes, Trains, Feet and Boats

We are excited to have Anna Hughes Director of Flight Free UK, with us on Thursday 10th August at 7pm.  She will talk about the climate impact of aviation and give inspiration and ideas of how to travel without flying.  

Did you know that taking the train from London to Barcelona can cut your emissions by 91%?

Do you have any experiences/tips you want to pass on to others?  Maybe you have taken a train to somewhere surprising from a local station, or found a hidden beautiful cycle route you would like to share.

Saying no to flying does not mean stopping the adventures, let's hear from you about what you are doing that is not only good for you but also good for the planet.

Do drop us a line with your suggestions, we will put them up in a display area in the community space after the talk to inspire others , email Suzanne at

For more info on the talk go to:

For more information on Flight Free UK, go to their amazing website which is packed with information and inspiring ideas.

Happy travelling on the ground!

Follow Flight Free UK on Facebook @FlightFreeUK, on Twitter @FlightFreeUK and on Instagram @FlightFreeUK

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