The Portswood Writer's Circle is Back!

The Portswood Writer's Circle is Back!

After a successful first meeting last month, this time we're inviting attendees to share their work for group feedback. We will also hold a brief discussion about the possibility of publishing a Zine containing our work by the end of the year, so if this seems exciting to you, please do share any ideas you may have - we're all ears!

There is absolutely no obligation to share, but if you do feel so inclined, please send a one page sample of your work to: with the subject heading 'FAO WRITER'S CIRCLE'.

These samples will be distributed among the rest of the group for feedback a few days prior to the meeting.

We aim to create a welcoming and encouraging environment in which local writers of all genres, styles, and experience can explore the creative process together. In coming together to exchange ideas we want to create a vibrant creative cultural ecology, right on Portswood highstreet.

Author Talk: Unfinished Garden by Peter Roe

Author Talk: Unfinished Garden by Peter Roe

In store now! Victory City by Salman Rushdie

In store now! Victory City by Salman Rushdie