author talk: Taming and Reclaiming Anger with Isabel Clarke

author talk: Taming and Reclaiming Anger with Isabel Clarke

Saturday 25th June

in the shop - 11am - author talk - free entry
Please register via Eventbrite if you wish to attend so we know how many people to expect.

As part of Independent Bookshop Week, join Isabel Clarke in the shop to learn how to transform anger from a problem into a valuable resource.

Anger has had a bad press – with good reason; it is a feeling that can lead to violence, aggression, bitterness, revenge. It can wreak havoc, from destroying relationships and families, to devastating societies and countries. All that mayhem is action prompted by anger; anger that is allowed to take charge of the whole person. Anger itself is a feeling and as human beings we do have choice how to act on our feelings. Further, anger is an important and valuable feeling. It is our protection. It tells us what is important for us. It tells us that we have a right; it gives us energy, courage and motivation to exercise that right both for ourselves, and in the service of justice for people and planet. Crucially, ‘we’ – the individual – needs to be in charge, as opposed to an unholy alliance between emotion and body.

This event will explore these ideas and introduce the self-help book: How To Deal With Anger that enables someone to work seriously at getting their anger to work for them, both to achieve their own goals and to make for a better world.

Isabel Clarke is a consultant clinical psychologist with over 30 years’ experience working as a therapist in the NHS with people with complex problems. Her approach is presented in her recent books: Meeting mental breakdown mindfully – how to help the Comprehend, Cope and Connect way. And Third Wave CBT Integration for Individuals and Teams: Comprehend, Cope and Connect.

This approach involves using emotions, including those viewed as ‘negative’ in a positive, life enhancing way. Her work running an anger management service in Southampton for over 10 years, in the 1990s and early 2000s has informed her self-help book on anger management: How To Deal With Anger, where vignettes from this experience bring to life how anger can be transformed from a major problem into a valuable resource.

Please register via Eventbrite for instructions to join and to help us with book ordering and to manage numbers on the shop floor. We are operating with Covid caution here at October Books, so please respect your fellow attendees by maintaining some distance. We are requesting that people attending events/gatherings in the shop please wear a face covering - to ensure all people feel safe.

This is a free entry event, but if you'd like to sling October Books a donation, please do.

If you would like to reserve a copy of ‘How To Deal With Anger’ (or any of Isabel Clarke’s other titles) to collect from the shop please email us at

You can get a copy of ‘How To Deal With Anger’ delivered directly to your door here.

Find out more about Isabel Clarke on Twitter: @Isabelscispirit or at her website:

Learn more about Independent Bookshop Week on Twitter: @booksaremybag FB: @booksaremybag and insta: @booksare my bag

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