Workshop - Conversations on Roger Brown's new book ‘The Conservative Counter-Revolution in Britain'

Workshop - Conversations on Roger Brown's new book ‘The Conservative Counter-Revolution in Britain'

Join us in having conversations together about some of the themes of Roger Brown's new book ‘The Conservative Counter-Revolution in Britain and America 1980 to 2020.’

The book argues much of what troubles us in Western society, particularly poverty, inequality and weak economic growth, are due to the conservative reaction against the Welfare State here and the New Deal in the US. The lack of support for public expenditure cuts, even amongst conservative MPs suggests that the Conservative counter revolution may now be running out of steam. On the night we will hear briefly from Roger about his main points from the book and hear comments on the themes countering Roger’s perspective . We will then break up into small groups to have conversations that explore these themes.

Come along to explore this timely issue together. You will be sent in advance the first and final chapter of his book to read if you wish before the event.

This is a follow up workshop to its launch last autumn.

We would like to start promptly at 7pm so we encourage attendees to arrive a little before 7pm.

If this event sells out do email us and we can put you on the waiting list for another workshop on this.

Register via Eventbrite to attend.

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