Spotlight Six | No! Against Adult Supremacy | Radical Youth Liberation Anthology

Spotlight Six | No! Against Adult Supremacy | Radical Youth Liberation Anthology

Is cheating on tests a moral imperative? Do children belong at political protests? Are parents really well placed to speak on youth liberation? These provocative questions and more are explored in a series of short, readable, and at times shocking articles in this anthology exploring the dynamic between children and adults, bringing together some of the best writing and artwork from the radical youth liberation zine No! Against Adult Supremacy.

No! Against Adult Supremacy

Paperback £7.00


NO! Against Adult Supremacy is a collection of writing originally published online by Stinney Distro. This anthology is jointly published with Active Distribution and draws together all 20 issues of the NO! zine into one print edition:

"Every hierarchy, every abuse, every act of domination that seeks to justify or excuse itself appeals through analogy to the rule of adults over children. We are all indoctrinated from birth in ways of 'because I said so.' The flags of supposed experience, benevolence, and familial obligation are the first of many paraded through our lives to celebrate the suppression of our agency, the dismissal of our desires, the reduction of our personhood. Our whole world is caught in a cycle of abuse, largely unexamined and unnamed. And at its root lies our dehumanisation of children."

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