In store now! The House on Via Gemito by Domenico Starnone

In store now! The House on Via Gemito by Domenico Starnone

Narrated against the background of Naples, which itself becomes a living character in this lush, atmospheric novel, and steeped in the city’s language and imagery, The House on Via Gemito is a masterpiece of contemporary Italian literature.

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The House on Via Gemito by Domenico Starnone

Paperback £15.99 

The modest apartment in Via Gemito smells of paint and white spirit. The living room furniture is pushed up against the wall to create a makeshift studio, and drying canvases must be moved off the beds each night. Federí, the father, a railway clerk, is convinced of possessing great artistic talent. If it weren’t for the family he has to feed, he’d be a world-famous painter. Ambitious and frustrated, genuinely talented but full of arrogance and resentment, his life is marked by bitter disappointment.

It's his first-born who, years later, will sift the lies from the truth to tell the story of a man he spent his whole life trying not to resemble.

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