In store now! The Forcing by Paul E. Hardisty

In store now! The Forcing by Paul E. Hardisty

Civilisation is collapsing…

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The Forcing by Paul E. Hardisty

Paperback £9.99

Frustrated and angry after years of denial and inaction, in a last-ditch attempt to stave off disaster, a government of youth has taken power in North America, and a policy of institutionalised ageism has been introduced. All those older than the prescribed age are deemed responsible for the current state of the world, and are to be ‘ relocated’ , their property and assets confiscated.

David Ashworth, known by his friends and students as Teacher, and his wife May, find themselves among the thousands being moved to ‘ new accommodation’ in the abandoned southern deserts – thrown together with a wealthy industrialist and his wife, a high court lawyer, two recent immigrants to America, and a hospital worker. Together, they must come to terms with their new lives in a land rendered unrecognisable.

As the terrible truth of their situation is revealed, lured by rumours of a tropical sanctuary where they can live in peace, they plan a perilous escape. But the world outside is more dangerous than they could ever have imagined. And for those who survive, nothing will ever be the same again…

Order your copy today directly from October Books or buy online through our bookshop store and we’ll get commission on your purchase.


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In conversation: Printed Books in the Digital Age

In conversation: Printed Books in the Digital Age

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