In store now! Last Children of Tokyo by Yoko Tawada

In store now! Last Children of Tokyo by Yoko Tawada

Having by now established herself as one of the most significant Japanese authors to have emerged since Kobo Abe, Yoko Tawada’s heart-rending Last Children of Tokyo finds the immortal Yoshiro caring for his poorly great-grandson. Over his ten decades of life, Yoshiro has watched as our species slowly poisoned our planet. Knowing that the youngest generation may not survive into adulthood, Yoshiro embarks on a quest to find a cure to our contemporary malaise. At once melancholy and hopeful, Last Children of Tokyo is an environmental magic-realist novel like no other.

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Last Children of Tokyo by Yoko Tawada

Paperback £9.99

Yoshiro thinks he might never die. A hundred years old and counting, he is one of Japan's many 'old-elderly'; men and women who remember a time before the air and the sea were poisoned, before terrible catastrophe promted Japan to shut itself off from the rest of the world. He may live for decades yet, but he knows his beloved great-grandson - born frail and prone to sickness - might not survive to adulthood.

Day after day, it takes all of Yoshiro's sagacity to keep Mumei alive. As hopes for Japan's youngest generation fade, a secretive organisation embarks on an audacious plan to find a cure - might Yoshiro's great-grandson be the key to saving the last children of Tokyo?

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