In store now! How To Save Our Planet: The Facts, by Professor Mark Maslin

In store now! How To Save Our Planet: The Facts, by Professor Mark Maslin

Have you ever found yourself stuck in an argument with a Climate Change Skeptic? Have you ever wished there was a small, pocket sized book, filled with bite-sized, irrefutable facts? Then look no further, Prof. Mark Maslin’s How To Save Our Planet: The Facts is armed to the teeth with explanations, facts, and suggestions for how we might avert calamity. Broken into easily digestible sections, each taking aim at a different issue, ranging from a brief history of the entire planet, to the culture of Denial which now pervades it. A striking, down to earth read for those who wish to be a capable, well informed Climate Activist! 

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How To Save Our Planet by Professor Mark Maslin

Paperback £7.99

Global awareness of climate change is growing rapidly. Science has proven that our planet and species are facing a massive environmental crisis. How to Save Our Planet is a call to action, guaranteed to equip everyone with the knowledge needed to make change.

Be under no illusion the challenges of the twenty-first century are immense. We need to deal with: climate change, environmental destruction, global poverty and ensure everyone's security. We have the technology.

We have the resources. We have the money. We have the scientists, the entrepreneurs and the innovators.

We lack the politics and policies to make your vision of a better world happen. So we need a plan to save our planet... How to Save Our Planet is your handbook of how we together can save our precious planet.

From the history of our planet and species, to the potential of individuals and our power to create a better future, Maslin inspires optimism in these bleak times. We stand at the precipice. The future of our planet is in our hands.

Order your copy today directly from October Books or buy online through our bookshop store and we’ll get commission on your purchase.


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