Read up before you tune in!

Read up before you tune in!

Have you seen our fabulous scheduled online events? We’ve always got lots lined up… author talks and book groups with a difference, talks from activism to sustainability, from diversity to health, from local history to crime fiction!

These events are held via Zoom at 7pm on weekday evenings. You don’t need a Zoom account in order to attend, you just need to register your interest via Eventbrite and you’ll get an email with the link to join.

If you’re booked into an event, and want to get ahead of the game, we’ve often got the titles in stock in advance of the event, like the ones below. Place your order now and get reading!

  • Confessions Of A Confessions Of a Non-violent Revolutionary: Bean Stew, Blisters, Blockades and Benders by Chris Savory

    The author will be speaking about this book via Zoom on Thursday 16th July register here.

    The True Story of a Peace Activist in Thatcher’s Britain.

    Britain in the 1980s – strikes, the dole, IRA bombings, CND demos, poll tax riots, vegetarian food, radical feminism and an international build-up of weapons guaranteeing ‘mutually- assured destruction’.  Rejecting the privileges that life offers him, Chris Savory seeks to redress wider injustices in society by rejecting future wealth, power and status to follow his ideals. He throws himself into political struggle – living in poverty, sleeping in tents and on floors, braving the mud and cold, surviving on bean stews and wholemeal bread – to the general disapproval of respectable society. His aim? To bring about a non-violent revolution, disarmament and an eco-feminist-socialist utopia!  

    Oxford University in 1980 opens up a world of opportunity, but the threat of imminent nuclear war pushes Chris to make life-changing decisions. Alienated by the casual superiority of his peers, he abandons essay-writing and sherry with the Dean to embark on a constant round of organising and protesting – peace-camps, marches, illegal direct actions, communes and anarchist street theatre. The triumph of Thatcherism and the defeat of progressive politics leaves him feeling despair, anger and isolation. But having given everything to fight the system, how can he re-enter mainstream society?  

    At the heart of this memoir is a deeply honest and heartfelt human story, spiced with humour and colourful details of the 1980s’ counterculture. In an age of climate crisis and Extinction Rebellion, Confessions Of A Non-Violent Revolutionary is a thought-provoking and engaging record of a previous wave of mass civil disobedience and an opportunity to learn lessons from the recent history of grassroots political struggle.

    ‘… Insights into how individual action can play a role in avoiding Armageddon.’ – Billy Bragg

    ‘Terrific – thoroughly engaging and a real page-turner … wonderfully evocative, thought- provoking and a fascinating window into a world which until recently seemed almost old- fashioned, but now has a particular resonance in our re-politicized age.’ – Jason Webster, author of Violencia, Duende, The Anarchist Detective.

    ‘Intriguing – a fascinating and racy record of a life which will find many resonances in its readers. Particularly striking is its sense of journey through idealism, disillusion, and the yet remaining conviction that the struggle is not lost.’ – Harvey Gillman, author of A Light that is Shining, A Minority of One.

    Chris has spent his whole adult life trying to make the world a better place through protest, local politics, working in the education sector, community campaigns and volunteering for social enterprises. He was born in 1961 in Kitwe, Northern Rhodesia and arrived in England aged two. He has subsequently lived in Kent, Essex, Paris, Oxfordshire, Missouri, Yorkshire, Berwickshire, Herefordshire, Dorset and South-West London. He is lucky to have been happily married for 25 years and have two adult stepchildren.

    Website and blog :

  • The Sustainable(ish) Living Guide by Jen Gale

    The author will be speaking about this book via Zoom on Thursday 2nd July register here.

    If you want to save the planet, but your to-do list is already pretty long and remembering your re- usable coffee cup feels like a Herculean task, then this is the book for you.

    Covering every aspect of our lives from the stuff we buy and the food we eat, to how we travel, work, and celebrate. This book provides stacks of practical, down to earth ideas to slot into your daily life, alongside a gentle kick up the butt to put your newfound knowledge into action. Practical tips include unsubscribing from all the tempting emails that drop into your inbox with details of the newest clothing range or the latest sale, and keeping a mug next to your kettle to work out how much water you actually need to boil each time, as over filling kettles costs British households £68 million on energy bills each year.

    Find out how to fit “sustainable living” into your life, in a way that works for you. Change your impact without radically changing your life and figure out the small steps you can make that will add up to make a big difference (halo not included).

    Jen is ordinary, knackered mum of two whose life changed when she dragged and cajoled the family into a year buying nothing new. That year changed not only what she buys, but also how she sees her place in the world. Jen recognised the power that we all have as individuals to make a difference to the things we care about, simply through getting informed about the impact of our daily choices, and figuring out easy swaps and changes. The family are still (just about) talking to her and they live in Wiltshire where Jen writes and podcasts about all things Sustainable(ish).

    “The most family friendly way to start doing your bit” - The Sunday Times

    “This user-friendly book offers plenty of practical guidelines about how we can live more sustainable lives - and save money at the same time ... From turning off our household products - devices on standby cost UK households £227m per annum - to being mindful of all the food we waste, a more sustainable way of life seems to be easy to attain.” -  Irish Independent

    “I loved this book - a non judgemental, fun, inspiring approach to how we can do our bit for the planet, whilst acknowledging that we are all human! Full of practical tips and advice - this is a brilliant book for anyone with climate anxiety.” -  Thomasina Miers OBE - Masterchef winner, writer, environmentalist, television presenter, cook and co-founder of the Wahaca chain of Mexican street food restaurants.

    Website :

Register for these (free entry!) online events here, and order their books from us today!

If you’d like to see us in the flesh you can pop into the shop during our no-contact browsing hours Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat from 11am-2pm.

We Should All Be Feminists - The Desk Diary 2021

We Should All Be Feminists - The Desk Diary 2021

Please be upstanding for the winner of our #IndieBookshopWeek competition!

Please be upstanding for the winner of our #IndieBookshopWeek competition!