Coming Soon! Fixing the Planet: An Overview for Optimists by Michael Norton

Coming Soon! Fixing the Planet: An Overview for Optimists by Michael Norton

Ever feel overwhelmed about climate change? Want to make a difference but not sure how? Does it all feel a bit hopeless sometimes? Then this is the book for you. Practical steps on what you can do right now to fix planet Earth.

Fixing the Planet : An Overview for Optimists by Michael Norton

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Knowledge is power. Get informed and choose action over despair. Everything you need to know about the earth and the life it supports - right now.

From the challenges we face with global environmental, health, poverty, equality, technological, political and justice issues to the pioneering places and people making a difference to our future. With 40 simple ways to support change. 'While the hour is late, the future remains ours to make.

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“This hugely enjoyable book is a powerful introduction to the way things are and the way things can be. Keep it by your bed.” Tim Smit, co-founder The Eden Project

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